image of michael caron

Michael Caron
UX Designer by day,
Front-end Dev by night.

Hello! I'm a User Experience Designer (BS) and Data Scientist (MS) graduate from the University of Tennessee. On top of my extensive UI/UX and data analysis knowledge, I've spent the past 5 years honing my wireframing and prototyping capabilities. I also have a sturdy background in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, plus some work with C++, Python, PHP and SQL.

On the side, I've been creating online video content since 2010 and have amassed over 5,000,000 views on YouTube. While enhancing my video editing skills, I've also been improving my Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator expertise.

Below are some projects/brands I've worked on:

image of deluxo logo

Cryptocurrency token project built on the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain, initially deployed back in 2018.

image of studious logo

Clothing brand that promoted the pursuit of knowledge and encouraged academic study.

image of akimbo logo

Esports organization and entertainment network that competes globally in gaming competitions.

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